Trustee urges Yes vote on fire levy
Brookville Star
Jeff Requarth
Clay Township Trustee
To the Editor:
The last three weeks I have had articles in the Brookville Star with information concerning the operating needs of the three fire and two EMS departments that cover Clay Township throught contracts. The last new money vote in was 11 plus years aog.
In the last 50 years things have changed from private business, like funeral homes transporting patients to hospitals, to the present system of advanced equipment and personnel highly trained to meet the needs of those patients.
Medic crews, in my opinion, have become an extension of those hospitals and emergency facilities to provide immediate care on wheels for those 25 to 45 minutes spent en route to the hospital. The results are often times the difference between life and death.
The same can be said on fire side of things. Advancements of equipment and fighting fire strategies and accident extrication takes equipment and highly trained personnel to keep the public safe and those personnel that respond safe. All this has a cost to it. This levy is to meet that cost now and into the future.
The Clay Township Fire and EMS Levy will ensure that these vital services continue at the highest level possible, with adequate staffing, training and equipment. One fact that I can't stress enough is that the funds generated by this levy is only for the daily ongoing operation of Brookville Fire and EMS, Phillipsburg Fire and EMS and Verona Fire Department.
None of these funds go into the retiring of the bonds for Brookville's new fire station.
I know many of you may never need the fire or EMS personally, but when people do, they expect a fast and efficient response to their needs with the highest quality care and training.
In closing, I would like to ask every voter in Clay Township to consider supporting the Clay Township Fire and EMS Levy on May 8 so that we can continue to receive the first class services that are provided to us each and every day.
Look past the politics and consider the real needs of all our Township, incorporated and unincorporated portions.
One last thing, no matter whether in favor or against the levy, please vote because it is a right and a duty we all share.
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